Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Joshua was The Man

What are we learning from Joshua?

We have had an amazing beginning to our scripture study this year. It all seems so relevant. We all want to conquer the idol worshiping tribes and clear our own land. We all want to move from defeat to victory!

So what did you learn from the Book of Joshua about how to do that and why to do that?? Here's a "ripped" Joshua that my sons might identify with.

(This same studio makes posters of Book of Mormon heroes. You can find them at www.realheroposters.com )

Here's a more traditional Joshua:

Either way you envision the original, we are asking ourselves as we read about him:

How Can We Move Towards Victory?
1. First, we might want to quite whining and be more grateful. This hilarious video reminds us of how silly all our complaining sounds. We need to be grateful, then be strong and of good courage.
Except for the very last line, it's very funny and might even get a point across to some bored, ungrateful teens.

2. We've got to be seeking God's will, not our own. He has to come first. He only fights our battles when He knows that we are fighting His. Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added to you. You can't seek all else, with the idea that when you get it, you will donate generously to the kingdom.

3. Joshua never tried to become King. He didn't aggrandize himself. He was seeking God's glory, not his own. I have been thinking about what I pray about lately. I have to admit I spend my "best" prayer time on my family. Bless this one and that one with this need and that need.
What about God's children? Do I pray for missionary work and temple work and genealogy to go forward in the earth with the same fervor that I pray for my own needs and my children's needs.

What do you think? What have you learned? How is your group liking Joshua? How are you handling the "hard stuff"--Achan's fall and destroying Canaanite cities?

We want to hear from sisters at the well.....

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