Monday, October 26, 2009
Should you feel inclined to censure...
I think we sometimes look at the Israelites of the Old Testament as a bunch of losers. They just couldn't cut it. If only they had been a little better, they wouldn't have blown it.
Hmmm. Are we comparing apples with apples, as they say? Can we really compare ourselves, with all the spiritual advantages we have, with these people? All of us are not on the same step of the ladder of life, and all of the various groups of God's people through the ages were not on the same step either.
We stand on the shoulders of giants. We come after the Israelites. We read the Old Testament stories, we see their mistakes, and we learn from them. They learned too. All the cycles of pride, sin, judgment and repentance that they lived through, taught them eventually, as a nation, the futility of giving up their special relationship with the True and Living God for the sleazy glitter of a golden idol. The record of all those cycles has become our visual aid, our textbook, so we can be grown-ups, real saints. They, after enough pain, learned their lesson. After the Babylonian captivity, which came about because of their sins, they returned to Israel and never ever again worshipped idols of bronze, wood and stone.
How many lessons have we learned the hard way?
Think of what they didn't have...they did not have the ability to read. You are reading this. And thinking about it. They didn't have newspapers, magazines, scriptures, the Ensign, online conference talks, or scripture study group with their sisters in Relief Society. All of this has been built brick by brick on the learning and sacrifices of prior generations.
And another thing they didn't have. They didn't have the gift of the Holy Ghost. Everyday people receiving the gift of the H.G. to be with them always? Nope. Not til after Pentecost, after Christ's resurrection. That's why all through our study of Joshua and Judges you read about "the Spirit of God falling on" someone. It wasn't there day in, day out. It came as specially needed: to give Samson strength or Gideon courage. But next time you feel inclined to shake your head at those foolish Israelites, think where you would be without the gifts, the covenants, the sacrament, the Spirit. I know where I would be.
So thank you. Thank you all the pioneers that pioneered the way for the human race. That slowly climbed the ladder from slavery to learning who God was and learning to trust Him and learning what His law could do for them personally and for the society they lived in. Thank you for enduring all the bruises and falls and staying a people. For keeping a sense of being the chosen people. Thank you to the Jews. For all the trouble that got you in. But you did it, you are still you. There is still a Jerusalem, the ancient city. There are still a people that reverence the Torah and have indeed blessed the whole earth.
Through you we have these precious words we're studying. We know about the noble and brave ones---the Deborahs, the Ruths, the Calebs and the Othniels.
But this post is not for them.
This post is for an unknown woman in Jabesh-Gilead who died one awful day at the hands of an army of Ephraimites who had taken a vow to kill anyone who did not come to help in the civil war against Benjamin. And the men of your village didn't come. So one day when you were home with your children, they came and fulfilled their vow. And all of you died except your oldest daughter, who was 14. She became a bride for one of the surviors of Benjamin, and thus the twelve tribes survived and the whole amazing drama of Abrahamic covenant salvation through Christ continued, and the Bible story continues, and finally it comes down to us.
But if we know better, we better remember who to thank. We have a "higher" moral code than their simple revenge, honor and vow keeping. Just remember, higher things are built on a base of lower things. If we are at step four, it is because someone else was willing to come to earth in step one.
We have it all. Their words and stories, as well as modern prophets, temples, college educations and institute classes. Where much is given, much is expected. Unlike the woman of Jabesh-Gilead, we truly are without excuse.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Joshua was The Man
What are we learning from Joshua?
We have had an amazing beginning to our scripture study this year. It all seems so relevant. We all want to conquer the idol worshiping tribes and clear our own land. We all want to move from defeat to victory!
So what did you learn from the Book of Joshua about how to do that and why to do that?? Here's a "ripped" Joshua that my sons might identify with.
(This same studio makes posters of Book of Mormon heroes. You can find them at )
Here's a more traditional Joshua:
Either way you envision the original, we are asking ourselves as we read about him:
How Can We Move Towards Victory?
1. First, we might want to quite whining and be more grateful. This hilarious video reminds us of how silly all our complaining sounds. We need to be grateful, then be strong and of good courage.
Except for the very last line, it's very funny and might even get a point across to some bored, ungrateful teens.
2. We've got to be seeking God's will, not our own. He has to come first. He only fights our battles when He knows that we are fighting His. Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added to you. You can't seek all else, with the idea that when you get it, you will donate generously to the kingdom.
3. Joshua never tried to become King. He didn't aggrandize himself. He was seeking God's glory, not his own. I have been thinking about what I pray about lately. I have to admit I spend my "best" prayer time on my family. Bless this one and that one with this need and that need.
What about God's children? Do I pray for missionary work and temple work and genealogy to go forward in the earth with the same fervor that I pray for my own needs and my children's needs.
What do you think? What have you learned? How is your group liking Joshua? How are you handling the "hard stuff"--Achan's fall and destroying Canaanite cities?
We want to hear from sisters at the well.....
We have had an amazing beginning to our scripture study this year. It all seems so relevant. We all want to conquer the idol worshiping tribes and clear our own land. We all want to move from defeat to victory!
So what did you learn from the Book of Joshua about how to do that and why to do that?? Here's a "ripped" Joshua that my sons might identify with.
(This same studio makes posters of Book of Mormon heroes. You can find them at )
Here's a more traditional Joshua:
Either way you envision the original, we are asking ourselves as we read about him:
How Can We Move Towards Victory?
1. First, we might want to quite whining and be more grateful. This hilarious video reminds us of how silly all our complaining sounds. We need to be grateful, then be strong and of good courage.
Except for the very last line, it's very funny and might even get a point across to some bored, ungrateful teens.
2. We've got to be seeking God's will, not our own. He has to come first. He only fights our battles when He knows that we are fighting His. Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added to you. You can't seek all else, with the idea that when you get it, you will donate generously to the kingdom.
3. Joshua never tried to become King. He didn't aggrandize himself. He was seeking God's glory, not his own. I have been thinking about what I pray about lately. I have to admit I spend my "best" prayer time on my family. Bless this one and that one with this need and that need.
What about God's children? Do I pray for missionary work and temple work and genealogy to go forward in the earth with the same fervor that I pray for my own needs and my children's needs.
What do you think? What have you learned? How is your group liking Joshua? How are you handling the "hard stuff"--Achan's fall and destroying Canaanite cities?
We want to hear from sisters at the well.....
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Calling All Sisters
In case you haven't noticed--what we are trying to do here is create a community. That's what sisters around a well would be, isn't i? We come together because we all want to draw living water from the same well. Then we stop and talk with each other and share what good things the Lord has done for us and taught us.
So....share. This is one place you can leave your thoughts. And you can always mail them to us at
We like that idea especially because the notes this year have changed. We are trying to use them as a place to collect all of your thoughts and ideas, mix them up with our own, and interesting thoughts we find in blogs, talks, etc, (mostly of women, because that is our focus). So look for the New Notes. The first set is up on the website. It combines Lesson 1 and 2 of Joshua/Judges.
We really want to hear from you! How does this study help you? What have you learned? Where are you using it? Come on over to the well and SHARE.
In case you haven't noticed--what we are trying to do here is create a community. That's what sisters around a well would be, isn't i? We come together because we all want to draw living water from the same well. Then we stop and talk with each other and share what good things the Lord has done for us and taught us.
So....share. This is one place you can leave your thoughts. And you can always mail them to us at
We like that idea especially because the notes this year have changed. We are trying to use them as a place to collect all of your thoughts and ideas, mix them up with our own, and interesting thoughts we find in blogs, talks, etc, (mostly of women, because that is our focus). So look for the New Notes. The first set is up on the website. It combines Lesson 1 and 2 of Joshua/Judges.
We really want to hear from you! How does this study help you? What have you learned? Where are you using it? Come on over to the well and SHARE.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Isn't it amazing when something works the way you hoped it would!
That's a lot better lead-in than "why the heck didn't we figure this out four years ago?"
A Shorter Meeting Once A Week is working like a charm in my home ward group. You might say we have discovered a magic formula. All the sisters are very enthusiastic about the new schedule. No one wants to go back to Every Other Week, Twice The Number Of Questions. We have better discussions, it's easy to remember when scripture study is coming up, and we are usually finished in under an hour. We leave our host house just before 11:00 am and feel like the day is still fresh, shiny and new. Love it.
If you have a night group, every minute away from home and/or family is especially precious. This should be great for a night group as well. Please leave a comment on your group's experiences with the new format--if you're trying it that is.
So a special shout out to the faithful sisters of the group in Mission Viejo under the direction of Mary Moorhead who piloted this format and enthusiastically recommended it.
We are loving it! Thanks ladies!
That's a lot better lead-in than "why the heck didn't we figure this out four years ago?"
A Shorter Meeting Once A Week is working like a charm in my home ward group. You might say we have discovered a magic formula. All the sisters are very enthusiastic about the new schedule. No one wants to go back to Every Other Week, Twice The Number Of Questions. We have better discussions, it's easy to remember when scripture study is coming up, and we are usually finished in under an hour. We leave our host house just before 11:00 am and feel like the day is still fresh, shiny and new. Love it.
If you have a night group, every minute away from home and/or family is especially precious. This should be great for a night group as well. Please leave a comment on your group's experiences with the new format--if you're trying it that is.
So a special shout out to the faithful sisters of the group in Mission Viejo under the direction of Mary Moorhead who piloted this format and enthusiastically recommended it.
We are loving it! Thanks ladies!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
New Scripture Study Beginning in September!
I'm some great blogger, eh? Seeing that March 2009 date of my last post is truly embarrassing. I believe so much in what the scriptures can do for our lives that I REPENT, and will try to mend my slack and laggard ways!
September gets me in the mood for starting over. It is the time I loved best as a child, when you got a new book bag and school supplies and the school year stretched out ahead of you with so much hope and promise. Even nature cooperated, with crisp fall weather that gave you energy and excitement.
So in the spirit of that old September magic, let's get energized for a new season of scripture study. Coming up:
Let me count the ways: 1) Everything starts in the Old Testament. There is no spiritual truth that does not have its 'genesis' or roots, in the narratives and writings of the Old Testament. It is the story of God dealing with mankind as if 'it,' the whole lot of us considered collectively, were a child of His, needing to be raised and tutored and strengthened. So naturally, if you go back to the beginning, you will find God introducing things--concepts and principles and truths--to us, the human race, bit by bit, as we could take it in, and as one thing built upon another.
2) This leads to number two. If God tells us, His children, the truths we need to know, and if he does it through the Old Testament, then these are the truest of all stories. They are the stories of how men and women really are, and how they often fail and what they need and and how they learn from their failures and grow. Yup, they are stories about us.
And they are also the true stories of who God is and what he wants for us and from us. Pay attention children of the human race! These are your bedtime stories, like the one's your parents (and grandparents) read to you to teach you things.
2) If you see the order that God teaches the world things, you will begin to understand the order that makes the most sense for you to learn things in. (Note: Look for this natural learning progression in the temple ceremony too. First things first, second things second, and last things last. These concepts are everywhere in scripture and in spiritual life.) Learning to walk before we learn to run. It works for babies and it worked for mankind.
2) Such fascinating stories! And about such real people. Not figures that have had all the blemishes airbrushed out of them. But real Gideon and Abigail and Rahab and Jael and Jabez. And, of course, the 'biggies' that we already know something about--David and Solomon and Ruth and Esther. This is really interesting and fun stuff that you will enjoy reading...we promise. There is way more in the OT than can possibly be covered in one year of Gospel Doctrine class. So Sisters at the Well is going to take you to some of those little known, engrossing, thought-provoking hidden treasures of the Old Testament. Got you hooked yet?
September gets me in the mood for starting over. It is the time I loved best as a child, when you got a new book bag and school supplies and the school year stretched out ahead of you with so much hope and promise. Even nature cooperated, with crisp fall weather that gave you energy and excitement.
So in the spirit of that old September magic, let's get energized for a new season of scripture study. Coming up:
"Judges, Kings & Prophets: Israel in the Promised Land"
That's right, we are back in the Old Testament again. I love this book!!! Do you think that's weird? Does anybody really love the Old Testament?Let me count the ways: 1) Everything starts in the Old Testament. There is no spiritual truth that does not have its 'genesis' or roots, in the narratives and writings of the Old Testament. It is the story of God dealing with mankind as if 'it,' the whole lot of us considered collectively, were a child of His, needing to be raised and tutored and strengthened. So naturally, if you go back to the beginning, you will find God introducing things--concepts and principles and truths--to us, the human race, bit by bit, as we could take it in, and as one thing built upon another.
2) This leads to number two. If God tells us, His children, the truths we need to know, and if he does it through the Old Testament, then these are the truest of all stories. They are the stories of how men and women really are, and how they often fail and what they need and and how they learn from their failures and grow. Yup, they are stories about us.
And they are also the true stories of who God is and what he wants for us and from us. Pay attention children of the human race! These are your bedtime stories, like the one's your parents (and grandparents) read to you to teach you things.
2) If you see the order that God teaches the world things, you will begin to understand the order that makes the most sense for you to learn things in. (Note: Look for this natural learning progression in the temple ceremony too. First things first, second things second, and last things last. These concepts are everywhere in scripture and in spiritual life.) Learning to walk before we learn to run. It works for babies and it worked for mankind.
2) Such fascinating stories! And about such real people. Not figures that have had all the blemishes airbrushed out of them. But real Gideon and Abigail and Rahab and Jael and Jabez. And, of course, the 'biggies' that we already know something about--David and Solomon and Ruth and Esther. This is really interesting and fun stuff that you will enjoy reading...we promise. There is way more in the OT than can possibly be covered in one year of Gospel Doctrine class. So Sisters at the Well is going to take you to some of those little known, engrossing, thought-provoking hidden treasures of the Old Testament. Got you hooked yet?
(This is Jael--no shrinking violet. A super-heroine of the Old Testament.)
So look for the first files to be up in time for a start of the third week in September. See the sisters at the site for details.
Let's renew the weekly exercise of putting God at the center by drinking in His word. What a blessing He has given us, and which we in turn can share with others.
Let's renew the weekly exercise of putting God at the center by drinking in His word. What a blessing He has given us, and which we in turn can share with others.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Letter from a Sister at the Well
We would love to hear about you and your scripture study group. If you will email us at
I can turn it into a post on this blog. Not that I'm promising to post EVERY email. I'm not that organized. But we like knowing what people are doing .
The following comes from Sister Michelle Waddell from the El Cerrito Ward in Corona, CA where they have two groups meeting. Once you hear their idea you say, Why didn't I think of that! Great idea:
"I think that it has been very beneficial- there are some of the sisters that felt that they were not as spiritually smart as some of the others and were quite relieved when they came up with the same answer- it def. gave them confidence. We rotate who is going to lead the discussion. But we keep the meeting place at the same persons home and they are the one who sends out the reminder to each sister. So far that has been working well for us. There are some that never want to be the one to lead the discussion which is fine but I think that all feel comfortable to speak up and voice what they feel. For me it has helped me to really think about what I am reading and how I can apply it. We read every day with my 3 young children but this is something that is just for me plus it shows them that Mommy also studies the scriptures on her own." Michelle Waddell
Saturday, March 14, 2009
We're Blogging!
This Blog's For You!
We want to start blogging so we can get to know each other and share ideas. Please leave your comments and/or send ideas that we can post as blog entries by emailing them to us at
The first contribution is from Michelle Waddell from the El Cerrito Ward in Corona, CA where they have two scripture study groups going. Michelle writes:
"I think that it has been very beneficial- there are some of the sisters that felt that they were not as spiritually smart as some of the others and were quite relieved when they came up with the same answer- it def. gave them confidence. We rotate who is going to lead the discussion. But we keep the meeting place at the same persons home and they are the one who sends out the reminder to each sister. So far that has been working well for us. There are some that never want to be the one to lead the discussion which is fine but I think that all feel comfortable to speak up and voice what they feel. For me it has helped me to really think about what I am reading and how I can apply it. We read every day with my 3 young children but this is something that is just for me plus it shows them that Mommy also studies the scriptures on her own. "
Please write with your own experiences and comment on what you see here. We are now an on-line community!
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